Fully Responsive Full Stack MERN Application with Authentication - Bug Tracker

Check out this short Youtube video below which demonstrates how the application works.

Full MERN Stack Application written in modern React on the frontend with Hooks and Context. Designed to allow employees/developers to keep track of the current tasks/bugs they are working on. Authentication using JSON Web Tokens.

Technology Used:

Frontend - HTML, CSS, Modern React with Hooks and Context, Axios, Private route components, Localstorage, JSON Web Token Authentication, Fully Responsive Design.

Backend - Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, BCrypt.js, JSON Web Tokens, tested using Postman, Express Validator.

Future Plans:

In the future I plan on building out an admin feature of the site which will allow team leaders to check up on all the tasks their team members are working on. Following on from this I would like to implement a notification system so that anyone working on a bug will receive an email when a task is edited/updated/deleted.